
“Monitoring the effects of Project PL0100

“Improving the efficiency of Polish Environmental

Inspection, based on Norwegian experiences””

On 4–6 November 2015 in Krakow there was one of the last meetings under the programme Monitoring the implementation effects of Project PL0100 “Improving the efficiency of the Inspection of Environmental Protection based on Norwegian experience”, conducted jointly by the Inspection of Environmental Protection and Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet). The meeting was attended by representatives of Voivodeship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (VIEP) in Kraków, Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection and delegates representing Norwegian partner.

The meeting was held in order to present the Norwegian partner: the measuring equipment purchased from the Norwegian funds and the way of using it during demonstration inspection of entity whose activities have an impact on the environment, conducted under the project of modifications and improvements of IT tool, i.e. IT Inspection System (ITIS) used by the IEP inspectors.

On the first day of the meeting Mr Paweł Ciećko, Voivodeship Inspector of Environmental Protection from Małopolskie Voivodeship delivered a presentation on Małopolskie region and inspection, monitoring and laboratory activities of VIEP in Kraków. Mr Wojciech Miszczyński, a dead of Physico-Chemical Laboratory of VIEP in Kraków, familiarised delegates with a detailed laboratory organisation and the scope of its work, emphasizing the role of Norwegian funds in acquiring the laboratory equipment.


The second day of the visit was entirely devoted to the issue of carrying out the inspections. Mrs Barbara Zuk, deputy head of VIEP Inspection Unit in Kraków, started a meeting with a lecture on drawing up an inspection plan, activities related to beginning the inspections and preparation of inspector to the visit in controlled plant. In her presentation Mrs Barbara Żuk focused in particular on the use of aforementioned activities of improved IT Inspection System. Then the participants went to Municipal Treatment Plant in Kraków, where VIEP inspectors in Kraków conducted operational inspection of Barycz municipal landfill site. As a part of inspection Mrs Marta Świątek – VIEP inspector conducted a visual inspection of the landfill site. During inspection the authorised sampler from VIEP laboratory, using field measurement equipment purchased from Norwegian funds within the projects, took water samples from the nearby Malinówka stream in order to make an indicative assessment of the impact of landfill site on the water quality.

Regardless of inspection, the delegates visited the mechanical-biological treatment installation operated by the Plant.


After the site visit the participants of the meeting listened at the VIEP headquarter to a presentation of Mrs Barbara Żuk on the activities carried out by the VIEP inspectors after the visit in controlled plant and post-inspection actions taken after the inspection, with particular emphasis on the use of ITIS in these activities. In addition, the participants of the meeting discussed the inspection protocol prepared during the inspection of the landfill site.

On the third day of the meeting Mr Tomasz Augustyn, VIEP inspector in Kraków delivered a presentation on important differences between IT Inspection System, developed under the project and IT Inspection Support System, previously used by the Inspection. In his speech Mr Tomasz Augustyn indicated in particular that new ITIS is entirely IT system, which gives the Inspection’ employees permanent access to documentation constantly adjusted to current legislation and also discussed a number of other modifications through which new ITIS is a more coherent, efficient and friendly system for VIEP inspectors.


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Główny Inspektorat Środowiska

Główny inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska

The Eea And Norway Grants