
“Monitoring the effects of Project PL0100

“Improving the efficiency of Polish Environmental

Inspection, based on Norwegian experiences””

In November 2015, a seminar completing the implementation of the project took place in Warsaw. The meeting was attended by the representatives of CIEP, NEA and all VIEPs. The participants summarised the cooperation in the framework of the project and all project activities. During the meeting, equipment purchased in the framework of the project was presented.

A seminar summarising the implementation of the PL03 Project entitled “Improving Environmental Monitoring and Inspection”

On 18 and 19 November 2015, a seminar presenting the effects of the implementation of the Project took place in Warsaw. The meeting was opened by Mr Radosław Fienko – the Director-General of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, and then Ms Bogusława Rutkowska – Director of the Inspection and Administrative Ruling Department, chaired the meeting. The meeting was also attended by a representative of the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA), Mr Per Antonsen – head of the Norwegian part of the project, who, summarising the overall achieved results, underlined that the cooperation between CIEP and NEA was very fruitful for both countries implementing the project. Bilateral cooperation allowed for a closer understanding of the specificity of the functioning of the environmental protection services in the two countries, especially of the good practice implemented by those services. Next, Ms Maria Stanek – a representative of the Environmental Protection Funds Department of the Ministry of the Environment and Ms Osiecka-Kamińska – representative of the Climate Protection Department of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, as PL03 programme operators, presented the organisational structure and the implementation rules concerning the Operational Programme PL03 “Improving Environmental Monitoring and Inspection”. Their positive assessment of the timely implementation of the project by the CIEP and conducting all activities in a way which enables to save financial resources which allowed for assigning resources for new projects for other beneficiaries needs to be underlined. A detailed analysis of the project’s assumptions, its implementation schedule and the results of Measure 1 – “Publicity activities and project management” was performed by Ms Anna Dębowiec – project manager for Poland. Next, Mr Arkadiusz Witkowski presented the results of Measure 2 – “Implementation of an effective system for handling data on inspection”. The first day of the seminar was summarised by Ms Bogusława Rutkowska, Director of the Inspection and Administrative Ruling Department of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection.

The second day of the seminar was devoted to presenting the achieved effects of the following Measures. Particular measures’ leaders presented the results of conducted works. Ms Anna Dębowiec summarised Measure 3 – „Methodological strengthening of inspection”. Mr Przemysław Olszaniecki presented the achievements of Measure 4 “Providing equipment for inspectors” and Measure 5.1 “Development of CIEP’s website”. Measure 5.2 “Communication strategy for inspection activities of the Inspection of Environmental Protection” was summarised by Ms Olga Łukasiewicz.

It needs to be underlined that conducting works necessary for the implementation of the project required a lot of effort from the Inspections’ employees delegated to perform this task and the representatives of the Norwegian partner. Thanks to the work and commitment of people participating in the project all the planned tasks have been accomplished, which results in redrafted, submitted to use Inspection System and the necessary IT tools used in the new version of Inspection System. A new “IEP communication strategy for control activities” has been developed and a website of Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection has been changed, in particular in terms of sharing with the public information on the results of conducted inspections and post-inspection actions.

The seminar devoted to the implementation of project “Improving the efficiency of the Inspection of Environmental Protection based on Norwegian experience” was summarized by Mr Roman Jaworski – deputy of Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection. He highlighted with satisfaction that all the assumed goals have been fully accomplished. He expressed special thanks to Mr Per Antonsen, who represented the Norwegian partner, especially for substantive support during the ongoing meetings, study visits, workshops and thematic consultations. Deputy of Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection also thanked all people engaged in project implementation for the enormous amount of work. At the end he wished all the inspectors satisfaction from taking further control activities thanks to using improved Inspection System and modified IT tool.


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Główny Inspektorat Środowiska

Główny inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska

The Eea And Norway Grants